Box of Leaves by Claire Boyce

Words and images
Come together; forming the
Mind beyond the world.

Creating something
Whole, something new from
Tattered scraps of memory
Left over from yesterdays and years
Collected like leaves inside
A paper box, discovered by a child
In the forest of
His roam
Then, brought home
before pasting them on poster
Board – a map of
every star in alignment.

Looking up at the night sky,
Hands tingling with dewy radiance
At once feeling
Magnificent, insignificantly

I bow my head
In reverence  -
To be a single
Star amongst a galaxy
Of beloved findings
inside this boy’s

Paper box.


Claire Boyce is a poet, a painter, and a musician.  She currently resides in Denver, Colorado where she is inspired by the nuances of everyday life, and nature.  She has been published in the online journals The Avocet and Rebelle  She has received recognition for her visual art, most recently being selected to be in the Anti-Defamation League’s Show, “Imagine a World Without Hate”, in which she entered three oil paintings with corresponding poems.

Bay Laurel  /  Volume 2, Issue 4  /  Winter 2013